Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This week...

Yesterday we started our week by looking at the letter P, its sounds, and listening to the P song. Then Mrs. Schmitz came and completed a guidance lesson with the children. She talked to them about being part of a group by following directions and social smarts.
After we learned about Groundhogs Day and watched to see if Phil saw his shadow. Then we learned some fun groundhog facts before making our own groundhog. 

Yesterday the children started their rotation through jobs. Here is a peek at what they are doing this week:
At this job the children are completing their P sheet.

For this job the children have to match upper and lower case letters.

For this upside down pictures.... the children are coloring a sight word sheet.

How many sweethearts in the far- at this job the children rolled a die, counted the dots, and placed that many sweethearts in the jar.

At this job the children had to color mail trucks based on the key.
Today we started talking about the Post Office. First we read two books to help us understand how the Post Office works. 

After we made mailboxes to hang in the room. The children are enjoying writing/drawing pictures for their friends. 

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