Monday, February 2, 2015

Last Week...

Last week we had a fun week reading tons of books by Eric Carle. 

We started by reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Then the children sequenced the story and made their own caterpillar. 
 On Tuesday we watched the story about the Grouchy Ladybug. Then the children used tissue paper, construction paper and paint to make their own grouchy ladybug. 
 On Wednesday we watched the story The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse. After we talked about how when we draw we can make objects any color that we would like. 
After we water colored an elephant orange, red, and yellow and a piece of paper blue and green. 
 They turned out super cute!
 On Thursday we hung up all our amazing art work to display. 
 EVERYONE did an amazing job singing for Grandparents' Day. I enjoyed getting to talk to everyone. 

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