Friday, February 27, 2015

Insect Week

Tuesday we kicked off our Insect unit by discuss what makes an insect an insect. Then we learned the parts of an insects body by singing Dr. Jean's Insect Body (head, thorax, abdomen, eyes, mouth , antennae two, six legs and there's an insect for you!) After the children helped me complete our anchor chart:
Wednesday we learned about butterflies and their life cycle. After the children made a butterfly and illustrated it's life cycle.

  Thursday we learned about bees. We found out that they live in big groups called colonies and every bee has a different job. There is one queen bees. There are worker bees that build homes called hive. They are made from a special wax that comes from the inside of the worker bees bodies. Hives are full of little rooms that are perfect for the baby bees and to store honey.
Bees LOVES to drink nectar from flowers. Then they turn the nectar into honey. 
Then the children drew and cut out their own bee. 
  Today we reviewed what we learned yesterday about bees. We discussed how when the bee is sitting on the flower, pollen gets stuck to his legs. When he flies to another flower the pollen on his legs fall off on that flower and that's how seeds are made.
Every child was given a bee ring and a bag a cheetos. They were told that they couldn't lick their fingers while eating. 
Once their were all done snacking, they started fly to flower around the room and land on it. The cheetos on their fingers rubbed off on the flowers. Then they can see how some pollen is left behind on the flower!!!

Here is a peek at the jobs the children have completed this week:
Writing the room

Sorting insects

Filling in the missing lower case letter

Count the room
We have had a fun week and now I can't for Dr. Seuss week!


Last week we had a VERY short week due to the ice. But we were able to get one day and knocked out two crafts.

Thursday morning we learned about our flag. After we made a flag and ourselves as president.
That afternoon we learned about Abe and then made him.
We learned that he:
1. Was our 16th president.
2. Lived in a log cabin.
3. Loved the outdoors.
4. Loved to read.
5. Had many jobs: wood chopper, farmer, carpenter, drove a boat and was a soldier.
6. Was a great storyteller.
7. Was tall and strong.
8. Opened a store where one day he bought a barrel that had a law book in it and it changed his life.
9. Taught himself about law by reading books and became a great lawyer.
10. Being a lawyer wasn't enough so he held several government offices to help people.
11. There is a memorial for him in Washington, DC.
Then the children made Abe and we documented what they learned.
They look great on the wall together. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Weel

We have had a fun week learning about Valentine's Day. 
On Monday we discussed what a heart means to us and made a heart Valentine.  

Here is a peek at the jobs that the children completed this week:
Heart Patterns

 Writing the Room

Sight Word Coloring Page

Color the hearts
On Tuesday we made Valentine People and wrote who we love on their heart belly.
On Wednesday we learned about St. Valentine and wrote the room.

Yesterday we decorated our bags for our exchange today and made our Valentine to our parents.

A BIG thanks to everyone for sending in items for our party...the children had a blast. Here are some pictures:

I hope everyone has a fun 3 day weekend!

Write the Room

Last week the children wrote the room. I placed the children's names all of the room and they had to walk around and write their friend's name.  

 They all did great and had fun doing it.

SO this we did the same thing but the children went back to their desk and rainbow wrote. 

 They had to trace over the names with at least 5 colors.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This week...

Yesterday we started our week by looking at the letter P, its sounds, and listening to the P song. Then Mrs. Schmitz came and completed a guidance lesson with the children. She talked to them about being part of a group by following directions and social smarts.
After we learned about Groundhogs Day and watched to see if Phil saw his shadow. Then we learned some fun groundhog facts before making our own groundhog. 

Yesterday the children started their rotation through jobs. Here is a peek at what they are doing this week:
At this job the children are completing their P sheet.

For this job the children have to match upper and lower case letters.

For this upside down pictures.... the children are coloring a sight word sheet.

How many sweethearts in the far- at this job the children rolled a die, counted the dots, and placed that many sweethearts in the jar.

At this job the children had to color mail trucks based on the key.
Today we started talking about the Post Office. First we read two books to help us understand how the Post Office works. 

After we made mailboxes to hang in the room. The children are enjoying writing/drawing pictures for their friends. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Last Week...

Last week we had a fun week reading tons of books by Eric Carle. 

We started by reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Then the children sequenced the story and made their own caterpillar. 
 On Tuesday we watched the story about the Grouchy Ladybug. Then the children used tissue paper, construction paper and paint to make their own grouchy ladybug. 
 On Wednesday we watched the story The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse. After we talked about how when we draw we can make objects any color that we would like. 
After we water colored an elephant orange, red, and yellow and a piece of paper blue and green. 
 They turned out super cute!
 On Thursday we hung up all our amazing art work to display. 
 EVERYONE did an amazing job singing for Grandparents' Day. I enjoyed getting to talk to everyone.