Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Trick or Treat

Yesterday we started our unit on Halloween by reading the story, Where's My Mummy. After we discussed how it's important to stay with our parents when we are out in public. After we made our own mummies. 

Today Mrs. Jessica came and did a lesson with the children. She continued to talk to the children about following directions, have a zipper lip and glue on their bottom. Then, she introduced Superflex and Glass man to the class. 
Here is a little background on this: Superflex is a Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum provides educators and parents fun and motivating ways to teach students with social and communication difficulties. The three part  cognitive behavioral curriculum helps students to develop further awareness of their own thinking and social behaviors and learn strategies to help them develop better self-regulation across a range of these behaviors.
Glassman is one of the unthinkable. He causes our over-reactions to small things. Mrs. Jessica showed the children a video of a child over-reacting and then let the children take turns. 

Here is a peek at the jobs that the children are completing this week:
Batty Ten Frame- here the children found the ten frame that matched the number 

Pumpkin Letter recognition 

Mummy Patterns

Color by a sight word

Polka Dot Pumpkins 
Tomorrow we will learn about bats!

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