Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Community Helpers

Last week we learned all about Community Helpers. 

On Tuesday, we discussed the definition of a Community Helper. Then we came up with a list of them and talked about how each one helps us. After, Mrs. Jessica came and reviewed with the children about using their magic tool, raising their hand, and not being a blurt out blue. 

On Wednesday, we read "A Day at the Fire Station" and discussed fireman. After the children made an adorable Fireman.

Thursday we read the book "Doctor" and learned about how doctors help us. Then the children made themselves as a doctor and told us how they would help people. 

We ended our unit by talking about chefs, making a chef hat and icing cookies. It was a fun day!

We also made these fun fall trees...
 and decorated the back up of our door...

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