Monday, September 14, 2015

Apple Fun

Last week we learned all about apples. 
On Tuesday, we brainstormed what we know about apples and wrote down our answers. 

On Wednesday, we learned about the different parts of an apple by using an anchor chart. We also taste tested a red, green, and yellow apple and graphed our favorite. 

After, we water colored an apple. 

On Thursday, we learned about the cycle of an apple by learning the poem: Eat an apple, save the core, plant the seeds and grow some more. Then the children made their own life cycle. 

To end our apple unit, we learned about Johnny Appleseed. We read a story and wrote down facts that we learned. 

After we made ourselves as Johnny Appleseed. 

Here is a peek at the jobs that the children completed last week:

We had a fun and busy week!

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