Friday, September 18, 2015

5 Senses

On Wednesday, we continued our unit on our 5 senses by having the children help my solve a problem. I can two bags and I forgot which one was salt and which one was sugar. The children had to use all their senses to figure out the answer. We all got to look, smell, hear, touch, and taste the items in the bags. We concluded which bag was which and agreed that our senses of taste helped us the most.  

On Thursday, we used out senses of touch to help us with another problem. I gave the children 6 closed bags and they took turns feeling the items and figuring out what was inside. 

The children all made some really good guesses... 

 Today we talked more about Churches. We learned what we see inside and outside of a Church. We also talked about why we go to Church and how we should act in Church. 

Here is a peek at the jobs that the children completed:
Mr. Potato Head

Shape Bones- here the children practiced drawing shapes. 

I Spy Sheet

X Journal

X Sheet
We had a super fun and busy week but I can't wait for our camping week!

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