Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First Full Day

Today has been such a fun day with all the children. 
I found this poem and loved it so much that I wanted to share. 
As this year goes on I will continue to grow a stronger connection with you and your child and then at the end of the year it will be hard to say goodbye, as your child will always have a place in my heart. Thank you SOOOO much for giving me your babies to love and teach for this school year!

Here is a peek at the activities that we did today.

Today the children started their rotation through jobs. 
Jobs is where the children rotate to four tables through out the week. Each table has a different educational activity for them to complete. This is a great time for the children to participate in small  group and individual work. It's also great for assessment purposes. 

Practicing tracing our name and putting the letters of our name in order

Shape Sorting

Finding letters in our friends' names. 

Sorting letters and numbers

Sorting colors
 Today we read the book How to be a Bucket Filler These is a great inspiring and powerful book. We completed a fun chart with all of the ideas about how to be bucket fillers and bucket dipper.

After the children completed a craft where they had to draw a picture about how we could be bucket filler. 

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