Thursday, January 15, 2015

Zoo Week

On Monday we started our unit on the zoo. We talked about the zoo and what animals live in a zoo. Then the children sorted what animals live in a zoo and on a farm. 

Then the children drew a picture of their favorite zoo animal. 

We learned about Noah's Ark and during prayer center the children cut out the ark and colored a paper plate. 

Tuesday we looked and pictures of zebras and learn any fun facts about them.

  • Zebra are part of the equidae family along with horse and donkeys.
  • Every zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes.

  • Wild zebras live in Africa.
  • Zebras run from side to side to being chased by a predator.
  • Zebras have excellent eyesight and hearing.
  • Zebras stand up while sleeping.
  • Zebras eat mostly grass.

    Then the children made their own zebra.

    Yesterday we learned about giraffes.
    • The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world, with even new-born babies being taller than most humans.
    • Baby Giraffes can stand within half an hour and after only 10 hours can actually run alongside their family.
    • Giraffes spend most of their lives standing up; they even sleep.
    • Giraffes only spend between 10 minutes and two hours asleep per day. They have one of the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal.
    • Giraffes are sociable peaceful animals.
    • Just like snowflakes and human fingerprints, no two giraffes have the same spot pattern.
    • Even giraffes tongues are huge.
    • A male giraffe can weigh as much as a pick up truck!
    • A giraffe's habitat is usually found in African savannas, grasslands or open woodlands.
    • The hair that makes up a giraffes tail is about 10 times thicker than the average strand of human hair.
    Then the children make a giraffe.

    Today we learn some fun facts about monkeys. 
    • There are currently 264 known monkey species.
    • Monkeys can be divided into two groups, Old World monkeys that live in Africa and Asia, and New World monkeys that live in South America.
    • Apes are not monkeys.
    • Some monkeys live on the ground, while others live in trees.
    • Different monkey species eat a variety of foods, such as fruit, insects, flowers, leaves and reptiles.
    • Most monkeys have tails.
    • Groups of monkeys are known as a ‘tribe’, ‘troop’ or ‘mission’.
      Then the children made a monkey.
      We had a fun week learning about different animals. I hope everyone has a great 4 day weekend.

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