Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Weather Unit

We started our weather unit off by making a HUGE list of weather words on the Smart Board. 

Then we talked about the scientist that study the weather, meteorologist. We also talked about the tools that they use to measure the weather. After we wrote some fun facts we learned on our meteorologist anchor chart.
We watched Channel 3 and Channel 5 weather clips on the Smart Board and discussed why it's important to watch the weather.

Yesterday we read the book "Calendar" and discussed the four season. We went into detail about Spring and what happens during spring. We added a few of the facts that we learned on our seasons anchor chart.
After we used our arm, hand and tissue paper to make a spring tree. 

Today we talked about summer and all the fun things that we during summer time. After we added some facts to our anchor chart.
Then we made a summer tree. 
Tomorrow we will learn about fall!!!!

Here is a peek at the jobs that children are completing this week:
Mitten Patterns

Graphing Shapes

Coloring sight words

Christmas tree craft

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