Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Nursery Rhymes

So I have been a little bit of a slacker with the blog and will do my best to get back to posting often. 

This week we have been focusing on nursery rhymes and rhyming words. On Monday we started off by reading Humpyy Dumpty. After we listened for the rhyming words and circled them on our sheet. 
Then we made our own Humpty. 

Yesterday we retold the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty. We talked about if there was anyway an egg could fall and not break. Then we did an egg experiment. 
First we looked at the material that was to be used and predicted if we thought the egg would crack or not. We documented our predictions on the chart. Then we wrapped and bagged our egg in different things and did our experiment as we charted the results along the way. The children had SOOOOO much fun watching the egg drop. We only had 1 egg not break and it was the one in a bag with a sponge! We all enjoyed learning two new fancy words, experiment and prediction, and completing our experiment.

Today we went the 3-5 grades fall musical. The children loved signing along with the Disney songs, specially Let It Go.

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