Wednesday, November 26, 2014


We have had a fun week talking about Thanksgiving and all that we are thankful for. 

On Monday Mrs. Schmitz came and did a lesson with the children. 

Yesterday we read "Thanksgiving Story" and talked about the Pilgrims, Indians, and the Mayflower. Then we made our own Mayflower.

 Yesterday we made these adorable turkey headbands.
 Everyone had a great time at our Feast. A special thanks to Jill for making our feast amazing and thanks to everyone for chipping in.
 Today we colored a turkey by using the key and identifying sight words.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Fairy Tales

On Wednesday we continued our fairy tale unit by the children listening to me as they drew something. Towards the end the children figured out it was a castle. They all did such a good job listening. 

On Thursday we watched the story "The Wizard of Oz". After the children made their own rubby slippers and told me what they would do if they had ruby slippers. 

Today we talk about how God gave us the gifts of music and completed a journal entry. 

Next week we will learn about Thanksgiving, make the Mayflower, and make a turkey!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fairy Tales

This week we are exploring the wonderful world of Fairy Tales. 
We started our unit on learning about the different elements of a fairy tale.
Then we read "The Three Little Pigs".  After we acted it out and completed a sorting sheet.
After recess we read the story about creation in our children's Bible. During prayer center this week the children are coloring a creation coloring sheet. 
We started our rotation through jobs. Here's a peek at them:
Crown patterns

Catch a turkey

Sorting upper and lower case Q's.

Completing our Q sheet.

Three Little Pig Ten Frames
Today we continued our unit by reading "Little Red Riding Hood". After we sorted things in the story that were real and make believe.
 Then the children went to their desk and sorted pictures of what is real and make believe.
I hope the children are enjoying this unit as much as me!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Nursery Rhyme Wrap Up

We have had a fun week in 4K learning about Nursery Rhymes. 

Today we learned another rhyme and then acted it out..."Jack Be Nimble". The children enjoyed jump over a "candlestick". As we took turns jumping we said the rhyme with our name instead of Jack.

We also read "Jack and Jill". We identified the rhyming words Jill and hill and then used letter cards to come up with other rhyming words.

 Here is a peek at the jobs that the children completed this week.

Isty Bitty Spider Spots- Here the children had to count the spider's dots and write the number.

Jack and Jill Ten Frames- here the children had to copy the ten frame on their sheet.

Humpty Dumpty Patterns- for this job the children had to copy and finish the pattern.

London Bridge Beginning- At this job we listened for beginning sounds and wrote the letter.

Bucket of Shapes- Here the children had to sort shapes.
It was fun but I can't wait for all the excitement of next week as we talk about fairy tales.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Nursery Rhymes

So I have been a little bit of a slacker with the blog and will do my best to get back to posting often. 

This week we have been focusing on nursery rhymes and rhyming words. On Monday we started off by reading Humpyy Dumpty. After we listened for the rhyming words and circled them on our sheet. 
Then we made our own Humpty. 

Yesterday we retold the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty. We talked about if there was anyway an egg could fall and not break. Then we did an egg experiment. 
First we looked at the material that was to be used and predicted if we thought the egg would crack or not. We documented our predictions on the chart. Then we wrapped and bagged our egg in different things and did our experiment as we charted the results along the way. The children had SOOOOO much fun watching the egg drop. We only had 1 egg not break and it was the one in a bag with a sponge! We all enjoyed learning two new fancy words, experiment and prediction, and completing our experiment.

Today we went the 3-5 grades fall musical. The children loved signing along with the Disney songs, specially Let It Go.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Healthy and Not Healthy...

This week we kicked off our unit by reading the story "Getting Enough to Eat". We explored how our body needs food and what type of food it needs. We looked at the Food Pyramid and then sorted healthy and not healthy food. 

Then we played some fun games on the Smart Board. 

I have to brag on these SMART children are in this class. Here is our morning message from this morning. Not all are they doing an amazing job filling in the blanks but they are starting to memorizing the sentences.

Today we talked more about healthy and not healthy food. The children looked through grovery ads and found healthy items to glue in their grocery cart. Thank you for sending the ads in...the children enjoyed it.