Friday, October 17, 2014


On Wednesday we read a story about trains and made name trains. The children did a great job finding the letters in their name and put them in order!
We have learned a new sight word, UP, and we listened to its song, HERE! These songs are amazing as the children walk around the classroom singing them all day!

Yesterday Mrs. Schmitz came and talked to the children more about the Zones of Regulations. 

At Religion center the children are learning the Guardian Angel prayer and about Guardian Angels. Then they are making this adorable craft:

I have to let you know how much I'm loving our new morning message. Here is a peek at the one we completed yesterday!
Morning message is a great way to give the children pride by finding something that they know! It also helps the children understand that reading begins from left to right, learning to sound out words by "stretching" out the sounds, reviewing letter sounds and numbers, learning that a sentence begins with capital letters and ends with a punctuation mark, learning the sentences need a space between words, identify sight words, identify beginning and ending sounds, and MUCH MUCH MORE!

Today we are going to make a transportation mural!

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