Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Community Helpers

We have had a fun and busy two days learning about Community Helpers. Yesterday we added a C to out focus wall with some objects that begin with C.

Then we listened to the C song, HERE! We also learned a new sight word, AND, and listened to its song, HERE!

We started our unit on Community Helpers by discussing who they are and how they help us. Then we completed our Religion workbook page. 

Then we playrd a Community Helper memory game on the Smart Board.

The children started their rotation through jobs. Here is a peek at them:
Trash Pick Up- Here the children pick a piece of trash, open it up, say the shape, and practice writing it.

Mail Pick Up- Here the children pick mail, take out the number, and practiced writing it.

Bone Matching- here the children matched upper and lower case letters.

Stamp a Sight Word- Here the children had to use the key to color sight words.

C sheet
The children also started their roation through prayer center.
 Today we talked about fireman. We read a story about fireman, and completed a chart on what a fireman does and what he needs to do his job. Then we made some adorable fireman.

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