Friday, August 29, 2014

It's FRIDAY....

We have had a super fun Friday.
We started off our day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, practicing the Sign of the Cross, and being introduced to the Our Father.
Once we were back in the room I introduced the students to the sigh word I. We talked about how I is not just a letter but a word. We all brainstormed sentences that contain the word I and then watched a super cool video on YouTube. 
We added our new sight word to our focus board. 
Then we talked about how God made our family. We discussed some things that we do with our family at home and where we go with our family. We looked at a picture of the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, and Joesph. Then we brainstormed ways we thought Jesus showed Mary and Joseph that he loved them. After we read a story and drew a picture of our family.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend and Labor Day. I look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday!

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