Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Feeling Unit

We are having a super fun and busy week learning about feelings. 

On Monday Mrs. Schmitz came and introduced herself to the class and did a guidance lessons. 

We started our jobs for the week. 
Shape Play-Doh

ABC Hunt- At this job the children pick a letter, identify it, and color it on their sheet.

What H will win?- For this job the children roll a die and graph which H they roll, uppercase or lowercase. The first one to the top wins!

At this job the children are looking for pictures of people who are happy, tearing them out, and gluing them on their paper.

Sort Sorting
 We introduced our letter of the week "H". We practiced making its sound, writing it, and thought of some things that start with it.

This week in Prayer Center the children are learning the Sign of the Cross. First we put a sticker on their right hand so they know which hand to use. 
 Then with the help of Bob, we practice making the Sign of the Cross.
 Finally we are making a cross and gluing the pieces in order.

Yesterday we read the story I Feel Silly When. While reading it we practiced making faces based off the feeling we were reading about. After we graphed how we felt. 
 Then we introduced the letter one and went over all the ways to make the number one.
 We also started our Handwriting Without Tears workbooks.
Today we are going to read a story and have a fun craft to go along with it.

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