Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I'M BACK!!!!

Yesterday was my first day and I have to say that I'm SO excited and happy to be back. I miss seeing these sweet faces everyday. 

I was extremely exhausted yesterday and feeling it even more today, thanks to my little man not sleeping through the night, but I know I will get use to this new schedule fast. 

I hopped right back into the swing of things as soon as I walked into the classroom. We kicked off our week learning about St. Patrick and how he used a shamrock to teach the people of Ireland about the Trinity. Then the children did an amazing job making a Trinity shamrock. 
We also learned about how he drove all the snakes out of Ireland. 

Today we read a funny book about Leprechauns. Then the children had a blast making these adorable ones:

Tomorrow we will go on a color hunt and read some more fun books. 

Here are a few recent pictures of my sweet angel from our beach trip last week. 

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