Wednesday, March 26, 2014


This week we have been learning about gardens and Spring. 

On Monday we learned about what a plant needs to grow by reading the story Grow Flower Grow. It's a cute story about a girl, Fran, who finds a flower and feeds it pizza, popcorn, ice cream, etc but the flower doesn't grow. She throws the flower outside where it gets sun, water, and wind. One day she goes outside to find that her flower has grown. We then talked more about what the plant needed to grow. 

Then we learned about the different parts of a flower and there purpose. Then we made a flower. 

Yesterday we switch gears and talked about Spring. We talked about some symbols of Spring like an....
They turned out SO cute that we used them for our Spring bulletin board. 

Today we watched a video about one seed. The video taught us that it only takes one seed to grow a big tree and for the children to remember that next time they sit under a tree. 

Then we discussed the tools that we would need to plant a seed and made garden buddies. 

We are having fun learning about flowers and can't wait to see what else we learn.

Tomorrow is Career on Wheels. The children will get to see some fun vehicles...I can't wait!!! 

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