Saturday, November 9, 2013

Kitchen Week Wrap Up

Here is the wrap up of our fun week talking about food. 

On Thursday we made chefs and the children told us what they would make if they were a chef.

We also had our favorite food party. The children enjoyed getting to share their favorite food with their friends. I want to thank all the parents for sending in items. 

On Friday we practiced recognized the letters in our names and putting them together to form our names by making these cute chefs. 

Here are the jobs the children finished this week...
Pizza Shapes- At this job the children picked a pizza and practiced drawing that shape. 

Spaghetti Letters- At this job the children had to pick a "meatball", id the letter and write it on their sheet. 

Pizza- For this job the children made a pizza and counted how much cheese and pepperonis they put on it. 
It was a fun week and now I can't wait for our week on nursery rhymes. 

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