Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Transportation Wrap Up

Last Wednesday we learned about school buses by watching a video on the Smart Board that took us on a tour of one. 

Everyone had a blast at the Tea Party with Mom. Thanks again for everyone who came and helped. 

On Thursday we ended the week by having each table make a different type of transportation (which will be made into a mural).

Here is a peek at the jobs the children completed this week:

At this job the children measured different types of transportation using links. Then they counted the links and wrote the number on their sheet. 

At this job the children had to match upper and lower case letters. 

For this job the children had to pick a truck, id the number, and count that many blocks. 

Chugga Chugga Pattern- here the children had to copy patterns. 
We had a fun week and now we are ready for our fun week on the letter M and Monsters!

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