Sunday, September 15, 2013

Apple Wrap Up

I'm said to say that our apple unit is over. This is one of my favorite units because of all the fun things we learn and the crafts that we get to do but I'm ready for our farm week (another one of my favorites).

On Thursday the children finished their apple theme jobs for the week. Here are some pictures:

Apple Tree Counting- For this job the children counted apples and practiced writing the number on their sheet.

Apple Letters- Here the children picked a letter and practiced writing the letter on their sheet.

Apple Sorting- At this job the children sorted apples and graphed it on their sheet.

What A will win?- Here the children rolled a die and graphed which A they rolled.
On Friday we ended our apple unit by having an apple festival. We had apples, apple butter, apple sauce, apple pie, apple strudel, apple muffins, apple juice, apple cider, apple jacks, and apple cookies. It was all delicious. Thanks you again to everyone who donated an item for our fun festival.

On Friday we also made adorable scarecrow (I forgot to take a picture but I will on Monday) and Q-tip fall trees.
I love the way the trees turned out!
I also wanted to share a picture of our adorable fall door.
And if you look to the right you will notice the amazing sign the a fellow teacher, Mrs. Joy made for me.
Another amazing week is over and now I'm ready to learn about farm animals and to get a special visit from two goats next week. Man I love my job!!!

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