Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Post Office

I'm sorry I've been MIA this week but we have been super busy in the classroom.
On Monday we started our Post Office unit by watching a Field Trip to the Post Office on the Smart Board and reading a book. Yesterday we discussed mail carriers and made a mail carrier bag. Today we are going to go on a letter, number, and shape hunt around our classroom.
The children have been doing a fantastic job with their jobs.
How many sweat hearts in the jar- here the children have to roll a die, count the dots, and put that many sweat hearts in the jar.

Mailbox Sorting- here the children have to sort upper and lower case letters.

Letter Matching- Here the children have to look at the letter on the envelope and find its matching lower case stamp (sorry the picture is blurry).

Popsicle Matching- Here the children picked a card with their name or a friend's name and had to find the letter popsicle sticks that match.
Yesterday we had some extra time before Music so we played Pop the Balloon on the Smart Board. The balloons had a picture on it and each child had a turn to name the picture, figure out what it begins with, and pop the balloon to check their answer. They had a blast playing it!

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