Monday, September 10, 2012

Early Bird

This weekend I decided that I am going to try something new for early birds, this is the time from 7:40-8:00 when we have the children enter the room. Some days I was giving the children a small project that lasted too long and ran over into calendar time. Some days I would give the children a tub from our center tower but I felt that the children were not using the manipulates the best that they could. Therefore I decided to buy 5 dish washing bins at Target and put a small but fun activity for each table to work on in the morning time. This morning went great. All the bins had fun, new, and exciting things in them.
Here is what they will be doing this week.

This is the block letters from hand Writing Without Tears.

Stamp and See from Hand Writing Without Tears.

Letter Puzzles

Transportation Patterns
The children practice writing words.

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