Monday, June 18, 2012

Calen's Birthday

In three in a half short weeks my sweet boy will be turning two. I still have no idea where the time has gone. I remember seeing that face for the first time like it was yesterday. He is at such a fun age right now and I am enjoying every minute of it.
For his big 2nd party we decided to do a construction theme because all Calen talks about is big trucks. I have complied tons for great idea I found, thanks to pinterest. Now I have the hard part of taking those ideas and making them really. I have started to order some adorable things and bought some printables from etsy. I plan on doing a test run of his shirt and cake this week ( I have three in a half weeks but for one week will be out of town). Here are some of the fun things I plan to do or have already purchased.
Here are the printables that I ordered and just gt them emailed to me today. They look great! SOURCE

Love the tap measure! SOURCE
Caution Tape wrapped around water bottles. SOURCE
Wrecking Ball, SOURCE
Door Decro and "dirt", SOURCE
Here is party that used the same printables that I purchased, SOURCE

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