Saturday, January 7, 2012

Next Week

Next week we will be talking about how everyone needs rest with Ms. Y, from the Letter People curriculum.  We will be discussing nighttime routines, and times of day and year. On Friday we don't have school because of a faculty retreat. For our retreat we are going to spend the day working a Habitat for Humanity store called Restore.

I have four jobs planned for next week.
Job 1: The children will trace and cut out a polar bear. Then glue it on paper and paint some snow. Finally they will roll a die, count the dots and paint that many foot prints in the snow.
Job 2: Time Web- I will write morning in the center of paper. Then around the circle the children cut out pictures associated with the word. Then they will repeat for afternoon and night.
Job 3: Season of Laundry- The children will sort pictures of clothes into bins labeled summer and winter.
Job 4: We are going to make snowman names. The children will sort through circles with letters on them and find the ones that spells their name. I got the idea from HERE.

I will post pictures on Monday! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

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