Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Big Reveal

For everyone that didn't know on May 29 we announced...

Then yesterday we went to the doctor to find out the sex of the baby. We decided to have the tech put the results in an envelope. We then went to Itty Bitty Bella where we picked out a pink and blue outfit. One of the employees took the envelope in the back, read it and wrap the appropriate outfit. Then our families came over for the BIG reveal. 

Here are a few pictures...

Calen helping me bake cupcakes.

The table set up.

The yummy cupcakes.

Finally it was time...
We are SOOO excited. Now only if we can pick a name.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

More Pinterest

Oh how I LOVE Pinterest! Here are a few more things that I found today...

1. I found these amazing first day of school printable from Yellow Bliss Road. I can't wait to use them for work and personal use!

2. Classroom Birthday Calendar- I found it on Pinterest put there was no link. 

3. Handwriting Center- I found these idea HERE to make each child an ABC book that they can work on at a center. 

4. Magnet Center- Have the children match their friends' photos with names. I found these great idea HERE.

5. I love this creative way to display the children's work when you don't have the bulletin board space.  I found it HERE

6. Love the idea of using border to decorate an ugly shelf. Check out more great ideas HERE.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Back to School We Go

I'm secretly VERY excited that school starts back soon. I have right under three weeks before I have to report back to duty, YAY!!! But if you are a teacher then you know teachers really don't have a summer break. As a teacher I have spent my summer trying to find new ideas to implement into the classroom. Here are a couple of things I found just today:

I found this awesome 10 ways to praise from HERE.
Found this great idea HERE. I love the idea of assessing the child first thing in the morning!