Friday, November 30, 2012

Where is Jingle

This morning the children found Jingle looking in our "T" tub. He pulled out the toothpaste, turtle, toilet, and troll.
I really enjoying the children getting so excited to find him as soon as they walk into the room. Then the children who have one at home begin to talk about where they found their elf.
I love Christmas fun and traditions.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hot Air Balloon

Today we learned about hot air balloons and how they work. Then we watched a video on the Smart Board of different hot air balloons and watched them take off.

Then the children got busy making their own. They loved sharing how they were going to decorate their balloon.

Finally Result:


The children love having Jingle in the room and look for him as soon as they walk in the room. Here is where we found him yesterday and today.
Yesterday he was reading Bible stories to the turtle and hippo.

Today Jingle made friends with the Letter People. He also brought the children a small treat because Santa was SO proud of all the good decisions everyone made yesterday. The children were very excited.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Door

Ms. Emily has been working hard the past few days to get our door decorated for Christmas. We had tons of ideas but ended up going with a reindeer stable theme. Here are some pictures of the front and back of the door.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I found some adorable transportation crafts from HERE while I was looking on Pinterest to plan for this week. After seeing them I knew we HAD to do a mural, so the planning began.
Ms. Emily and I put up the background for our transportation mural.
Then we had some extra time today so we had each table of children make a different type of transportation: sailboats, submarines, 18 Wheelers, airplanes, and helicopter. Then we taped them up.
Here is the final result:
I really love love love it!!!

Jingle the Elf

This morning we found a special visitor in our classroom...
I would like everyone to meet Jingle, the children named him. Santa sent him to watch over the children and report back to him on all that they do. Each night he will fly off to Santa and tell him how the children did during the day. He reports all the good deeds and also those moment they forgot to be good. He will come back in the morning for them to find him. Jingle has one big rule...we can not ever touch him because his magic might go away. He can't talk to the children but the children can talk to him.
We are all excited to have him in the room.
Jingle bought us goodies too...


Today we talked about airplanes. We talked about all the places you can go on an airplane and who drives one. Then we looked at pictures of different airplanes on the Smart Board.
Finally we watched a video of the Blue Angels. The children LOVED it and even clapped.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today we talked about different types of transportation. We discussed how some are for land, water, and air. Then we used the Smart Board to sort methods of transportations.

Transportation Jobs

Here is a glimpse of our jobs for the week:

Alphabet Car Game- the children have to match upper and lower case letters

Transportation Measuring- the children use blocks to measure different types of transportation and then have to write the number on their sheet.

Truck Counting- here the children get a mat, id the number, and place that many blocks in the back of the truck.

Chugga Chugga Patterns- here the children have to copy and finish different patterns

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Go HERE to read the Wednesday Tuesday Newsletter.
Some of the newsletters highlights:
 IMPORTANT DATES:November 21-25- Thanksgiving Holidays
November 27- Mother's Club Meeting
December 11- Men's Club Meeting
December 19- 11:30 Dismissal and Christmas break begins
Cookie Dough Pickup is today in the Youth Room from 2:30-6:00.
Christmas Bazaar will be December 14. The Mother's Club is asking for donations for the Christmas Shoppe.


It's Beginning to Look A lot Like Christmas

Okay, so I know it's a few days early but we have started to decorate the classroom for Christmas.
The children made some cute stocking in Art yesterday and I knew they had to be hung up by a fireplace.
This makes me happy to look at this...I'm SOOOO ready for Christmas.
We also started decorating the door and I will post pictures as it comes together. 

The First Thanksgiving

Today we used the Scholastic LINK and learned about the First Thanksgiving Feast. We learned how the Pilgrims needed the Indian to teach them how to grow crops and we discussed what types of food that they probably ate at their feast.

Then we had fun playing a Thanksgiving Pattern game on the Smart Board.


Turkey Trouble

This morning we read the story Turkey Trouble.
It's a cute story about a turkey who's in trouble because he's the main course for Thanksgiving. But he has an idea...he dresses liked a horse, a cow, a pig, a sheep, and a rooster. Finally he got a great idea and made Farmer Jake a pizza for Thanksgiving.
The children loved the story and laughed the whole time.
Then the children made their own turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Gooble Gooble

Yesterday morning the children made a turkey headband for our feast.

I will post pictures from our feast tonight. They are on my computer at home and I couldn't get the blog website to work last night. :(


Yesterday we visited this site and took a tour of the Mayflower and watched it's journey. This was a great interactive tool for the children to learn how the Pilgrims got to America.
Here are some pictures:

We learned that on September 6, 1620 they left England for North America. After 65 days on sea they reached Cape Cod, Massachusetts on November 11. By December they made their way to Plymouth.

We took a tour of the ship. We learned The Rigging, the Fo'c'sle, 'Tween Decks, Hold, Steerage, the Green Cabin, and the Round House.
Then we made our own Mayflower.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mister Seahorse

Today we watched the story Mister Seahorse.
Then we water colored blue waves on paper.
Next we water colored a sea horse.

Finally they were cut out and glued together.


Caterpillar Name

Today the children sorted through circles with letters on them to find the letters in their name.
Once they found all the letters in their name they glued them in the correct order and added a face and antennas.
Then the children used porcupine rings to make grass.

All done!!!