Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ideas for Next Year

I'm telling you I'm addicted to Pinterest. Here are some ideas that I found that I would like to implement for next year.

I use to do this but I tried a pocket chart this year but I'm thinking about going to go back to this next year. SOURCE

Totally want to do this for the children's birthday. SOURCE

I would LOVE to have some bins like day! SOURCE

Think about it spot, SOURCE
This is a MUST! SOURCE


I need to organize everything better and think this is a great idea. SOURCE

Weekend Fun

Yesterday I pulled out the baby pool after Calen and I were walking around outside and his face was bright RED. We hung outside for a good part of the evening. Calen then decided to put his chairs in the pool and have a sit with his feet propped on the side of the pool. HAHA. I can tell this is going to be a great entertaining summer with him!

Tomorrow we are going to a craw fish boil and I'm excited. I haven't had craw fish since I was pregnant with Calen. I decided that Calen had to wear some NOLA attire. During his nap today I appliqued him a craw fish shirt to wear. I love it!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fun Weekend

You know it's bad when it's a Saturday night and I'm sitting here on my computer looking on Pinterest for ideas for next year. I just can't help myself. I think I will be doing TONS of planning this summer (thanks to Pinterest and nap time). I love my job and enjoy finding new activities and crafts for the children to have the best experience possible in 4K. I'm SO excited about the stuff that I have already planned. There are tons of things that I have stacked up at work to get laminate for next school year, I wonder how many more I can add. :)

I hope evryone is having a great weekend and will have a wonderful Memorial Day!

Pantene Beautiful Lengths

This year at school they challenged mothers, teachers, and students to grow their hair out and get it cut of Pantene Beautiful Lengths. The goal was to get 12 ponytails (it takes 6 ponytails to make a wig). The have had two cuts from two moms that are hair dressers. A couple of weeks ago they had their last cut and end with 45 ponytails. I can't believe it but I am excited to say that I am one of them. I had been thinking about getting my hair cut short for awhile but was unsure. I decided to do and got 8 inches cut off. It's SHORT but I love knowing that it was for a good cause. Here is a before and two after pictures.
Before, this picture was taken in March.

After, straight and curly.

Last Day

For the last day we had a end of the year program. The children song This this Little of Mine, The Butterfly Song, a song I found online, and Tooty Ta. The children did a great job. Then we had a HUGE ice cream party. I will miss all my sweet angels and can't believe this year is over. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

CraZy Day

Last week we had Crazy Day. The children dressed crazy and for recess we had fun with bubbles. We had a great last week of school with ALL the fun things we did.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

End of the Year

I had to post the adorable end of the year gift that I received today. The gift is a beach towel, magazine, sunblock, and a snack all wrapped with a sweet thank you note. Sweet thank you note are what makes the end of the year SO hard. Oh how I will miss my sweet children.

Special thanks!

I want to give a special thanks to my two wonderful room mothers, Carol and Rosemary. They have helped SO much this year in so many ways. I had to give them a little thank you to show how much I have appreciated everything they have done for the classroom this year. Here are some pictures of there gifts.

Prayers are needed

One of our Kindergarten teacher has been battling cancer for over a year now (not her first battle) and she needs everyone to continue to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. She met with hospice today and will be placed under their care. She is am AMAZING women and has touched SO many people's lives. She taught my youngest brother about 9 years and he still has his Kindergarten memory book and the Christmas ornament (that still goes up on the tree every year). It is hard to walk down the halls and not see her smiling face waiting by the door for her children. Please keep her and her family in your prayer.


I have to say I thing I'm addicted to Pinterest. I love looking on there to find ideas for the classroom. I have found so many crafts and other classroom idea from Pinterest. I have to thank my co teacher Ms. Roxanne for introducing me to it. She has a great blog that you can check our HERE.

Mr. Roxanne and I have decided to make a few changed for next year and have been using Pinterest nonstop to found new exciting things for us to do next year.

There are a few things that I plan on doing for next year and I'm SO excited to do them. Here are a few of them.

I saw the idea HERE.

Found this idea HERE.

This blog is loaded with TONS of great ideas.

This week

This week is a FUN week in 4K. Everyday the children dress a certain way. Monday was Alphabet Hat day, where the children had to decorate a hat with letter. Today is PJ day and they children brought their favorite book. Tomorrow is crazy day, the children wear crazy socks and wear their hair crazy. Thursday is sport day, the children wear their favorite team shirt.

Here are some pictures from yesterday and today.
Alphabet Hat Day


Playground Fun

Pj Day

Memory Book

I can't believe that this is the last week of school. I have no idea where the time has gone. I am ready for summer break to spend so much time with my little man and husband, but I am going to miss the children SO much. Summer break really is bitter sweet. Due to this being the last week of school there are many things that I need to finish up for the children and get things together for their End of the Year Program on Friday. The children have been practicing everyday and are doing a great job.

Last week the children completed a Memory Book for there morning work. Yesterday we finished putting them together and they were sent home. Here is an example of one:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Field Day

Yesterday was field day. Our children don't participate but we had fun anyway. In the morning we played in centers and practiced for our End of Year Program. In Music class the children made shakers, so we went outside and had a shaker parade. We ended our day with the children playing on the "big" playground and eating snow cones or cotton candy. Here are some pictures.

Last Week

I can't believe there is only one week of school left. I have been so busy getting stuff together and getting the children ready for the End of the Year Program that I have not been posting our fun projects...sorry but here is what we did last week.  We reviewed letters and their sounds. Here are some of the fun projects we completed:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree- the children rolled a die and put that many coconuts on the tree.

Alphabet Soup- The children used a spoon to scoop out a letter. They had to id the letter and write it on their page.

School Bus Fun- the children made a school bus and we created a cute song to go along with their bus.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom will there be enough room- the children had to find the letters in their name and make a tree.

Friday, May 11, 2012

3,2,1 Blast Off

This week has been so much fun learning about outer space. Wednesday we talked about astronaut and made our self as one standing on the moon. I think this may be one of my favorite crafts yet. I took two ideas from Pinterest and put them together and here is the finally result:

Yesterday we read a great book called Outer Space. In the book you go on a spaceship ride to all the planets and learn fun facts about each one. At the end of the book are some adorable aliens so had to make one. The children picked one and made it. ( this idea came form my co teacher).

Today we made moon rocks. I brought in rocks that the children painted silver and then added silver glitter. The children LOVED this.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Planets and Stars

This week we are learning about space! I love this unit and I am SO excited about all the fun activities we are doing this week. Check on the pictures below to see what we started doing and check back for more pictures.
Our Galaxies- first thing we did was mix white paint and water in a squirt bottle. then we had fun squirting balck paper. Once it was dry we added planets, glitter rings, and star stickers. I LOVE THEM!!!

Sun- Here we cut our big circle. I put red, orange, and yellow paint on their circle. then I placed plastic wrap over it and the children spread the paint out. Next we transferred it to black paper and the children used QTips to make the rays. I got the idea from  HERE.

We made HUGE rockets.
Name Rockets- the children have to find the letters in their name and glue them to make a rocket. Then we count how many rocket blocks long it is.

Ice Cream Craft

On Friday the children painted an ice cream with a glue, shaving cream, and food coloring mix. (I should have used more glue). Then we cut out cones and glued strips of manila paper to create a waffle look. Here is a picture of how cute they came out.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Where has time gone!

I am SO be hide on blogging. This week Ms. J was out with us and we discussed sounds. On Monday we read Mice Squeak, We Speak and we talked about how we use words to communicate and animals use sounds. We discussed how we use music to pray to God and sang “His Banner over Me is Love”. Tuesday we played Alphabet Bingo and everyone got a fun prize for doing such an awesome job. On Wednesday, we talked about our senses and what we like to see, taste, touch, hear, and smell the best. We discussed how God made big things. Thursday we learned how to write the letter J and drew pictures of our senses. Today we painted ice cream with puffy paint and talked about how it is polite to listen when someone is talking. The children did a great job figuring out beginning sounds, finding missing letters, adding with seashells, and making J Jaguars.
Sorry I don't have nay pictures at this time but will post some soon.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!

A peek at next! I can't wait. I have tons of fun planned for us.